HCC Trip Report
St. Abbs Harbour to Belhaven Beach, Dunbar
Sep 21st – 22nd , 2024
Participants: Steve Wheaton, Stewart McCartney, Andy Bignall, Elspeth Mckechan
This trip was planned for last year on two weekends but thwarted on both by high winds. This year the winds were just ok but blowing from the NE as they had been for the previous week. Tides were at full springs and being the autumn equinox another 20% over average.
Sat Sept 21st NE F4 and mist
Originally we had planned to start from Coldingham beach. A local surfing competition was in full progress which was a good clue that despite being great for youngsters and derring-do feats our fully laden sea kayaks would be more easily launched from the nearby St. Abbs Harbour.
We used the car park at the harbour for two vehicles and a trailer (£20 per vehicle), finding a gap for the trailer behind a skip avoiding an extra charge.
An easy exit from the harbour, then around St. Abbs Head into quite a lumpy sea with a cross swell that had clearly developed over the previous week. Some respite after Pettico Wick but the swell required vigilance.
This section of coast has limited egress points, particularly in an onshore wind. Two stops were managed the first at Heather Carr and then at Hirst Rocks. Checked Pease Bay for camping spots but little scope seen and moved up to Cove Harbour. Just enough room for our tents on the beach. The harbour is privately owned having been purchased to avoid development. It is though very small and where would have ordinarily picked a remote wild camp, given the swell and surf it was most welcome. Cove Harbour Conservation Ltd. have responsibility for it’s upkeep and maintenance and we made a donation in reparation for our unannounced stay.
Sun Sept 22nd NE F3 cloudy
Still plenty of cross swell to contend with. Two of the party decided to shorten their trip just south of Torness at Thorntonloch. Three of us continued to White Sands stopping for lunch and a coffee from a local mobile café. The remainder of the trip has a less dramatic coastline though Old Dunbar from the sea is spectacular. We had planned to enter the harbour though in the event electing to make straight for Belhaven Beach and pick up our pals from Thorntonloch.
So good to have finally made it over to this part of the east with enough interesting coast seen but not fully explored due to conditions to hopefully make another trip over in better weather.