River Spey Expedition

HCC 4 day expedition down the River Spey from Aviemore to Spey Bay

03 – 06 Oct 24

Tom Ridsdill Leader

Stewart McCarthey

Steven McKeown

Day 1. ( 13.8 miles, 22.2 Km.) With the club trailer in tow we departed Helensburgh in the early hours of Thursday and arrived up in Aviemore to drop the boats and kit off and sort the shuttle.

By 1400 we were ready to set off from the Old Bridge Inn beach and began our 4 day expedition. Right from the get go we came across tree debris and strainers on each bend. This would have been quite a tricky first exposure to white water canoeing for a novice. Steve was not a novice on white water but this was, however, the first time he had been down a river in a canoe. To say he did well would be an understatement. He impressed Stewart and me with his control and choice of line and it only took a few kms to achieve this. 

With the Cairngorm mountains in our rear view mirror we paddled north east and began to question our choice of attire. Dry suits were starting to get roasty toasty. There was no wind and the sun was out. But so were the Herons, Buzzards, Dippers, King fishers, and ducks. The salmon were leaping too.

Boat of Balliefurth farm was our abode for the night. A £5er each meant we could set up camp, have a fire and have the use of a toilet. Not bad. The field was large enough to share with a large armada of Edinburgh Uni students, most of whom seemed to come from the USA. They certainly enjoyed their night. 

Day 2 (32 miles, 51.5 Km)

Reveille was at 0800 and by 10 we were back afloat and keen to put a dent into the total milage. The morning started with rain but this was only so that we had to pack up wet camping gear. The wind turned up too. It was a shame we didn’t have sails as it was blowing SSW and would have been ideal. We soon overtook the Edinburgh Armada and enjoyed the ever increasing frequency of rapids. We also had a fleeting glimpse of an otter as it dived below the surface. The frequency of Salmon leaping increased which was awesome. Sadly, none of them decided to leap into our boats!

The last rapid of the day was the famous “Washing Machine” of Blacksboat. Shortly thereafter, at around 1630, we decided to stop for the day and found ourselves a great spot to wild camp. A further 30ish km in the bag. I thought pimping my bivi would be a great addition to our camp. But so did all the midges, moths and mosquitoes!! (Last time I do that)

Day 3 (47 Miles, 75.6 Km)

Knockando came a knocking. Day 3 was the main grade 2 rapid section but with low water levels it was a tad more technical than normal. It was a joy and a lot of fun for all three of us working out the lines and manoeuvring the boats around the plethora of rocks, “stealth rocks” and tree debris. (Stealth rocks was the term we gave to the ones that just appeared.). By this point Steven was a wiz at controlling his canoe.

The rapids just kept coming and by 1400 we arrived at Charlestown of Aberlour. This was perhaps the only negative of the whole journey. The high hopes for a nice coffee in fant of the picture perfect village green was dashed by the foul taste of Kenco instant! (not a fan at the worst of times).

However, we soon set off in search of our next camping spot which emerged on the outskirts of Rothes. Another fine island with decent camping spots was marred by the loud noise of the combines and tractors on one side of the island and the factory and sewages works on the other. It was still incredibly pleasant and a third evening around a fire was enjoyed.

The amount of invasive plant species started to increase. This was very evident on the last day but, after a further 25km we settled in for the night.

Day 4 61 miles, 98.1 Km

The morning threatened more rain and just before camp was struck the rain tried. Well, enough of it came to ensure our tents and bivis were damp before packing. This last part was deceptive. We knew this though and ensured we remained on guard round all the bends right through to the sea.

The landscape throughout the journey varied immensely but, in my opinion, not as much as on this last day. The hill abruptly stopped and the landscape became more of an open low lands of farming and marsh. The river meandered all the way and on many bends we were faced with low shingle rapids flowing right into the path of nasty strainers in the form of tree roots and branches. The Spey certainly made us work right through to the end. However, on both sides of the river was Himalayan Balsam and huge numbers of Japanese knotweed. Such a shame but it also meant we needed to make doubly sure we clean our gear thoroughly before venturing on further river systems. 

The final part before the drive back to Aviemore was to enjoy a late lunch at Spey Bay Golf Club. They were very kind enough to allow us to park a car and trailer there over the 4 days and asked for nothing in return. The least we could do was to have a brew there. However, the menu looked too tempting and, I must say, the beef, haggis and smoked hickory cheese burger was deeeelicious.

Thank you to Steve and Stewart for allowing me to lead them both down the Spey. It was a pleasure and till next time.


River Tweed Canoe Expedition 15-19 March 24

River Tweed – by Thomas Ridsdill

I led my first canoe expedition for Helensburgh canoe club this weekend. 114km of fantastic river Tweed from Peebles to Berwick upon Tweed.

Water levels were up presenting an intimidating volume of flow over the Peebles weir but, once on the water, the group began to tune in to their new environment and started to relax. Stuart (very experienced), Gordon (a few rivers under his belt now) and Steve (novice canoeist) made up this formidable team and we speedily ventured around the first bend and into the wilderness for our 4 day open boat adventure. 

There were sections where the road meandered alongside the river but the noise of the traffic was barely noticeable. The pristine mowed grass of either golf courses or fishing spots were as frequent as the roads but, on the whole, we were in the wilderness with woods or agricultural land all around and barely any contact with people.

Due to the shuttle runs we got paddling around 1400 and covered around 25km by dinner. Averaged approximately 8km/hr! Our first campsite was a small mid channel island. We parked our boats in a swampy bay and set about the wild garlic, establishing our home from home. Stuart brought a spare tarp which was set up as a communal area for cooking and story telling. Just in time to shelter from the brief rain that fell. 

Overnight the temperature dropped below zero but stayed dry and windless.  

Day 2 and the first set of rapids around grade 2 were 29 km in. These were easily negotiated. Then the main grade 2 of Fairnilee begun. The rapids start just down stream of a 3 arched bridge. As I approached the bridge the flow looked decent river left and through the middle arch and I made the signal to ‘All Follow’. As I passed through the middle arch it quickly became apparent that the left arch would have been the better choice as a small island, initially hidden from view, popped up out of no where. A quick signal to go left helped 2 out of the three, however, Gordon had the same surprise as me and realised he would have to put some additional correction strokes in. Tbh, it was only after we had passed the entire section that we realised it was Fairnilee such was the wash out due to the river levels.

55kms in and the first big (and very noisy) weir of Mertoun Mill appeared after a right hand bend. This was lined down as the normal route on river left had very high volume with large haystack likely to swamp a canoe very quickly. 

At 59km in we took the decision to stop 3km short of the intended camp spot. The Island looked ideal and the weather was turning. So the tents and bivi were set up and the big blue tarp erected. And then the rain started. The rain didn’t stop until 4am and my bivi tarp finally had enough. At 0100 I woke to the heavens coming through the tarp and into my sleeping bag. Nothing like a spot of midnight damage control to get the blood pumping. With the spare tarp in place I managed to get to sleep again.

After a rather late set off we were quickly treated to Rutherford Weir and, again, lined. This woke us all up. It was also where we were supposed to have set up camp and we were chuffed with our decision the night before. 2km later and the crux of the river turned up to great us. Makerstoun rapids is a low grade 3 with a line down the right hand side. It was also a rather tricky lining activity and careful attention needed to be paid to the bottom section getting the canoes past a curling boat flipping wave. Not a problem for our veteran adventurers though. The group offered to set up safety cover just to watch me attack the rapids in the hope that they would see me go in. No such luck as I enjoyed a few hundred meters of checking and setting, reverse ferry gliding and running some nice waves and holes. (quite a bit of water made its way over the sides though. The Weh-No-Nah is a wet boat with a low freeboard)

We were at Kelso weir by midday (lined) and a chance for some lunch and leg stretching was welcome.

The next long section took us to the 75km mark and another large weir. River left had a 4 tiered fish ladder. Too good to avoid and so we didn’t. Last down was Steve. We all watched as he decided to attempt a broadside approach to running the top drop. The tail back would have meant a rescue so the relief was plain to see when he straightened up at the last moment and enjoyed an oblivious descent out of imminent peril.

The last Weir to be tackled on the trip was the huge, massive, and highly dangerous (or so I thought) Coldstream weir. During the shuttle run on day 1, I saw the weir from a high vantage point and when the river was quite full. It looked pretty impressive, and so this was to be a portage once there. But on the day, river right had a fairly decent flow but with no danger. And the weir wasn’t particularly bad either. Oh well. Didn’t I look the fool. 

At this point in the day we still had a few hours paddling in us making St Thomas’ island, the last ideal island on the river, our hotel spot for the night.  As we wove our way through the cacophony of crow calls and the farmers modern method of scaring the geese from their land, I couldn’t help but think how similar the noises would likely be to that of artillery gunfire zeroing their shots before a battle during the napoleonic war. The loud bangs continued throughout the days all down the Tweed valley but, thankfully, stopped during the night. 

The end of day 3 was celebrated with a tot of red label and we got our heads down shortly after sun set. 

The last day we had a deadline to be at Berwick upon Tweed by midday in order to deal with the necessary transport to get Gordon back for 1900. We left promptly at 0900 and 1 1/2 hours later we speedily emerged around the corner to be gifted with the sun shining on the plethora of rail bridge arches spanning the border of England and Scotland.

It was a fantastic way to end a very enjoyable expedition. Thank you to Gordon, Steve and Stuart for your company.

I aim to lead more canoe expeditions and overnight trips for HCC and to get the club boats ready for white water. If this article has wetted your appetite for some open boating look out on the club calendar. Unfortunately I am unable to plan too far in the future at the moment but will try to put any trips on the calendar with as much notice as possible.

Some may be interested in a new canoe trail starting next month. www.gotweedvalley.co.uk

Endrick Water Canoe trip 17 Sep 23

What a good turn out! 8 boats afloat. The forecast was for Easterly winds up to force 4 with rain for most of the day. We mustered at Balmaha for a 0900 start and went through introductions. It was really nice to meet new members and for existing members to finally meet each other. A general introduction, safety and route brief completed we set off from the slip and headed out and around the bay to find our way into the hidden Endrick water entrance at around 1.6km. (slightly off track but a painless correction got us into the correct section.   

The river mouth was shallow and a few of us decided to wade the 30mtrs into deeper river.

The initial straight section was about 2km before the left hand bend but we were out of the wind fairly quickly and, until a lot further up the river, we would remain out of the wind. Rem and his family met up with us in his lovely kevlar We-No-Nah and joined us for a large section of the trip. 

The river meanders right up to the A809 bridge with 12 bends within a 10km stretch. A flash of a kingfisher was the lucky sighting of the front paddlers. 2 swans and their 2 signets couldn’t work out what to do and, so, kept ahead of us for a few miles before eventually hiding in a tree strainer until we paddled past.

After the second bend a sheep was seen half in the water appearing to be stuck and unable to get back up the bank. Pat, Colin and I went to investigate with Pat jumping ashore to reach down and grab the horns and together we helped the heavy water logged provider of fine fleece back up the muddy bank and to safety. Woodend Lodge was the first and last bridge across this river until the A809 and it looked quite rusty. Im sure it will stay.  

The rest of the river was very pleasant with willows and Himalayan Balsam lining the banks and there was even signs of beaver and otter activity on the sections before the golf course. Himalayan Balsam is an invasive weed species rapidly spreading river banks but the flowers are pretty and the seed pods are mighty fun to play with. They explode on touch. Apparently the weeds are easily removed if done out side the flowering season due to their shallow root system. 

Colin ventured ahead and witnessed (photos as proof) cows walking on water! but, around 1300 and approx 4.5 miles up the river, we stopped at a convenient sloping bank in the woods for some lunch. This was where we said goodbye to Rem and family and wished them a safe return paddle.   

At around 8 km up the river the flow started to become a challenge along with the random shallows. After struggling against the flow and making no gains enough was enough and the bridge eluded us today. The late turn around was welcomed and now we had the flow with us. In theory we would have the wind behind us too but it disappeared. A tail wind would have been useful as folk were getting tired. For those more used to kayaking the new set of muscle groups required for canoeing were being tested. The rain started stronger now as well and the boats started filling but it was still a very enjoyable return. Not as many sightings of wildlife on the return though. By the time we had returned to the river mouth the wind and rain had left leaving the last 1.6km very relaxing and, silently, we cruised back into the slip. For me this was the second attempt to get to the bridge thwarted but that did not take the majesty out of this river. 

Paddlers were





Stuart and Sally

Me (Tom)

and guest staring Rem and family

Loch Lomond Canoe trip 05 Aug 23

The forecast was for F2, gusting 3/4, from the north. Colin, Chris and I arrived at Luss to be greeted to a large assembly of singing church goers. It became apparent that a few folk were being baptised by being completely submerged into the warm loch waters. Our first obstacle was to get our boats and kit through the happy, cheery crowds and down to the waters edge. The evolution was akin to canoeing through a group of kayakers on a grade 3 play hole! Once achieved and after a quick safety and journey brief, we set out across to Inchlonaig. Colins new found goon stroke skill was well executed and he managed to keep a straight course without having to swap sides. (That said, the swimmer ahead seemed to be increasing his distance from us!).

We paddled anticlockwise around the island in the lee stopping at the beach on the NE end for a leg stretch. The northern part of the island was broadside to the wind and, with both Colin and Chris demonstrating their understanding of the importance of a good trim, we easily battled the cross wind. Chris was utilising his new skills, practicing upwind and downwind strokes, and the longer we paddled the more fluent his paddle strokes.

At the SW end of the island we covered another open water section down to the passage between Inchconnachan and Inchtavannach. Here the wind died once again and we enjoyed the peaceful paddle around to the bottom of Wallaby island. During a bite to eat the heavens opened. This would continue on more than off for the rest of the journey and, at times, a few cms of rain water had to be sponged out of my boat for fear of it totally submerging.

Rounding the southwestern tip of Wallaby island we had an awesome view of the nesting Osprey, but we must have got a wee bit too close as it flew off before I could shoot it (with a camera of course!). Shortly there after we did get to shepherd a swan. Not sure what the swan was thinking but it kept swimming in our direction.

Clockwise around Inchmoan took us to the little crannog castle island, Inchgalbraith. We decided to check it out. Thought to be the crannog stronghold of the clan Galbraith there is a remains of a small castle. Someone had recently stayed, and presumed plonking a big rock on the top of a fire will put it out! It didn’t and was still white hot.

Our next route was to return to Luss via the inland passage and past wee Peter, the statue of a boy. Luss pier was quite busy. Boats coming alongside, boats leaving the beach, crowds looking over the edge, SUPs, bike boats, jet skis and swimmers galore. We paddled under the pier and hugged the beach back to the start point. Good journey, no capsizes, a plethora of paddle skills practiced, wind and no wind and an Osprey made for a pleasant trip. Even the rain was nice.

Attendees; Tom Ridsdill (canoe leader), Colin Hosey and Chris Clark