Paddlers: Mags, Tom, Stuart, Steve, Gordon
After our warm-ups on the Teith and Tom’s successful White Water Leader Canoe leader assessment on the Tay, it was time for the Awe. Stuart and Tom were in open boats, the rest of us in kayaks.
There was supposedly a damn release but the water levels did not seem very much higher than normal. There was however, plenty of water.
The kayakers successfully navigated the Grave Yard, although Steve and Gordon both took swims afterwards once we had navigated the difficult bits. The open boaters (sensibly) lined round. From there we progressed down through the various rapids until we reached magnetic rock (Gordon taking the opportunity for another couple of refreshing dips at the easier bits).
We all got past Magnetic Rock without incident and stopped for lunch while we watched some others play in the waves.
From here we descended the rest of the river without incident, taking out at the car park at Loch Etive.