
Pool: November and December. For those with Basic Skills (2 Star level).

Either: Sea Kayak Expedition Training  Or: Rolling Clinic.

A new Basic Skills Course aimed at Adults starts January.

Sat 14th November: 2 Star Assessment, Luss, £10

Sun 15th November: Foundation Safety And Rescue Course

A Very Foggy Clyde 31st Oct 2010

Paddlers: Dave, Mick, Myles, Douglas and Geoff

Description: A very foggy and ethereal paddle giving extensive practice of kayaking by compass and a completely new perception of a well used route. A thoroughly enjoyable short day.

The Route
Depart from Craigendoran
Kilcreggan (I think its going to burn off!)Blue Sky, fog beneath and flat calm.
Off Cove (It's getting thicker again)
Blue Sky but no horizon
It's breaking (off Green Island)
It's not. Off Helensburgh Pier (after Turner)

Come and Try Day: Luss, Oct 17th

Kayakers: The biggest club meet yet with 27 in attendance.

Activities: In the morning everybody had a chance to try out a sea kayak (including the new North Shore Atlantic), a river boat and one of the club’s Canoes. Sue and Alan gave a short demo of self rescue: Roll, Paddle Float and Re-Entry and Roll. In the afternoon there was a short paddle with some seal launching for the small boats. Despite a grey cold day that dis-integrated in the afternoon into heavy rain, a good time was apparently had by all.

Grey Dog and Cuan Sound Daytrip, Thurs Oct 14th

Kayakers: Hugh, Ken, Damien

Route: The route was Easdale, Belnahua, Grey Dog, Scarba (cable from Grey Dog), round the bottom of Luing and up to Ardinamar Bay, Cuan Sound, Easdale. Distance 25k.

The RouteDepartureBelnahua
Looking from Belnahua to Lunga and Scarba

Belnahua Ruined Village
Tidal currents in the Grey Dog
Heading for Luing
Ken and Damien

Cuan Sound

Training Paddle Sunday 10th October

Attending: Ross, Matt, Callum, Sam, Stella, James, Euan, Geoff

Route: Craigendoran-Ardmore-Craigendoran

Description: A bright, breezy, dry day. Strong NE breeze force 3 but well sheltered en route. Ardmore point flat calm! Enjoyable and instructive day.

Paddle 2010

Paddle 2010 – Scotland’s Annual Canoe & Kayak Show will take place on Saturday October 23rd & Sunday October 24th 2010 at Bell’s Sport Centre, Perth.

continuing from previous years, this year the show will have:

  • the largest collection of canoe and kayak stands in a UK show
  • workshop sessions
  • guest speakers
  • exhibitors and manufacturers
  • annual touring photo competition
  • saturday evening ceilidh

The show will take place in conjuction with a new event – The Tay Descent on Sat 23rd Oct.  This event has a tour and races covering 3 different courses.  Race classes will cover different ages, abilities and types of boat.

More information can on Paddle 2010 and the Tay Descent can be found on the Scottish Canoe Association website

Come and Try Day

Where:         Luss Beach

When:          Sunday 17th October 10am to 4 pm

Bring:          Change of Clothing, Trainers (to get wet), Waterproof, Towel, Packed Lunch

Activities:     Try different boats,

Ask about (and see) equipment for Trips

Expert Advice on what and where to buy

Go on a trip on the loch

Cost:           The day is free

Register:      At the “Helensburgh 2010” Show

At the Pool, 8pm Tuesday

By email

Sea Kayak Trip/Training Sept 14th

With winds forecast at between force 6 and force 8, the trip evolved into a rough water training session in a relatively safe environment. The chosen location was  a Goldilocks affair. Original choices; Largs, Fairlie and Seamill were thought to be too calm. Replacement choice, Irvine was just too wild. Eventually we settled on the excellent Ardrossan South beach which looked just right. In fact the very high winds generated very frequent and very steep waves that did not look too large but made the kayaking very difficult.

Main finding; it is virtually impossible to do any rescues in surf. Rafting is potentially lethal, re-entry virtually impossible and pumping out without a spray deck completely on, pointless. However the experience was both useful and extremely good fun. We will be back when the surf is up.

Sue, Seylan, Hugh and Alan (Photos: Geoff)
Sue, Seylan, Hugh and Alan (Photos: Geoff)

Hugh and Sue make their way out through the surf

Alan in a quiet spot
Spot Seylan and try rafting!
It's behind you!

Sue investigates the underwater view