We are offering 3 courses in September and October
1. Basic Skills. This is intended for members with little or no experience and consists of 7 pool sessions starting Sept 14th and 3 open water sessions on 18th Sept, 10th October and 23rd October with a 2 BCU Star/ Paddlepower assessment for those who want provisionally on the 30th October. There are up to 8 places. Minimum age 12. Cost is £20 plus assessment costs. Register before 14th September by email or at the pool on the 7th (tonight). Pay on the 14th. Membership forms available at pool.
2. Advanced Sea Skills. This is intended for experienced sea kayakers developing safety and rescue techniques (including rolling). Please contact Hugh
3. Open Canoe Skills. This is intended for adult members who want to develop skills in open boats. Particularly relevant to those who do or would like to coach youngsters. 4 sessions starting this Saturday 11th and on the 25th September and 9th October. Register at the pool.
In November we expect to start 2 further courses
1. Sea Kayak Expedition Training. Intended for those who want to take part in and organise expeditions. Covers basic safety and rescue skills (including self rescue and rolling), equipment (emergency, camping and clothing) and navigation (understanding tides and charts, planning)
2. Rescue and Rolling. A follow up for those who have acquired the Basic Skills.