Weather: Cloudy with occasional sun degenerating to light rain in late afternoon. Wind not perceptible and water flat calm.
Paddlers: Gordon, Steve, Andy, Zak and Hugh
Distance: 20km
This day paddle was put on to replace the scheduled Soay trip which had insufficient takers (one). Plan was to take in the islands at the N end followed by a bit of the Orchy and then Kilchurn castle while looking at potential camp sites for future use.
First stop barely a kilometer away from launch point was the island of Inishail which has a ruined church and graveyard with both ancient and relatively recent use. Main users appear to be the Campbell Dukes of Argyll and families. Here is a good campsite but like the NE shore of the loch is used by the fishing fraternity. The little island of Fraoch Eilean has substantial ruined castle to look round and is also a possible campsite.
Up the Orchy for about a k to look around then back to Kilchurn. Despite quite a few visitors it was shut and we could only walk round the outside. Disappointed, it was suggested we visit St Conans Kirk (on OS map) in Lochawe village which had the appearance of something rather more than a simple kirk when seen from the water. And so it proved with the 19th century design and architecture of particular interest. Access to the kirk can be made through a railway underpass about 300m to the N. So more of a sightseeing trip than a kayak trip but that was intended.