Loch Awe, Weekend 27th-29th August 2010

The trip was the bad weather alternative and a strong westerly wind force 3-5  was the dominant feature of the trip. Loch Awe is the longest loch in Scotland (longer than both Loch Ness and Loch Lomond) but had few outstanding features. Previous trips had explored the north so the group headed south west into the wind. The Friday evening paddle covered 6km to an excellent site at Inverinan.

Around the Camp Fire
The fire without the flash
The Site

Cold, wet and windy, the highlight of the following day was the remarkable Innis Chonnel castle. In many ways much better than its partner to the north (Kilchurn) but much less well known because of its island location.

At the entrance to the castle
Mick beneath the main tower of the castle

Lunch on Liever Island followed by a river trip down to Ford then a long paddle back up the loch to a glade site at Barr Point a toal of 36.8 km (21miles) in less than ideal conditions. An excellent fire before heavy rain drove us to bed.

Campsite at Barr Point

Sunday proved to be bright and breezy. An attractive paddle up the loch with short breaks for elevenses and lunch and back to Portsonnachan for 3pm. A pleasant if rather unexciting trip in excellent company.

Heading north with Cruachan in the distance
The group: Stewart, Geoff, Ken, Ruth, Mick, Hugh and David

Loch Lomond, Wednesday 26/8/10

This was a short gentle stunning trip through the islands to end the summer season. Loch was flat calm and it was a beautiful evening. Attending as photographed: Mike, Natalie, Sam, Dave, Callum, Mel, Ross and Angus. Not pictured – Geoff who took the picture and the three camera shy wallabies.

Wednesday Evenings: Summer 2010

Over 20 members have enjoyed a Wednesday evening cruise with the club during the school holidays. The list of trips follows:

30 River Leven

2/3 Arden Camp
7 Cancelled

14 Loch Long: Very Windy. A real challenge
Geoff, Stewart, Seylan, Robin, Callum, Chris, Mel

21 Balamaha: Wet, Breezy
Geoff, Mel, Callum, Robin

28 Inverbeg: Rowardennan: Lovely Evening
Geoff, Robin, Stewart, Dave

4 Duck Bay to Inchmurrin and Round: Beautiful and Calm
Geoff, Mel, Natalie, Stewart, Damien, Callum, Robin, Colin Redstone, Alan, Sue, Seylan, Dave

11 Coulport to Ardentinny. Windy and Grey
Geoff, Hugh, Natalie, Derek, Stewart

18 Clyde to Sugar Boat. Lovely Evening. Light Breeze
Geoff, Mel, Damien, Dave B, Myles, Myles Mate, Donald Craig, Callum, Ross, Natalie

Loch Lomond Beginners Canoe Camp, July 2010

The weather forecast was force 4 plus winds and a decision was taken early on to abandon Inchcailloch as a target and Inchvannach was arranged as a substitute. By Friday night we had become really worried about the forecast for Sunday morning and, given  the age of our group, decided that an island trip was not on. Rather than let down our youngsters, at least one of whom had never camped, we arranged at the last moment to camp at Arden, on the mainland, and do as much as we could from there.

Arden is a lovely site free from animals and with its own beach. We were delighted to find that the owner had kindly cut the grass and, all in all, it was a close to perfect choice in the light of the prevailing  weather.

The Camp Site

We had enjoyable paddles to the North before dinner and south after and, though it was breezy, the wind was nearer force 2 than 4.

Looking to Glen Finlas

A good fire, good food (despite the extremely charred sausages) and good company led a a pleasant evening.

About 10 pm at Arden Campsite

Apart from the occasional “spit” the weather stayed dry until about 10pm when light rain commenced. A quickly erected shelter kept us dry for the rest of the evening. Sometime after 6am, however, the promised heavy rain commenced, albeit without the promised high winds. Reluctance by the youngsters to venture out of their tents and the continuing downpour led to a decision to abandon canoeing. By 10 am the promised high winds started to move in (along with the rain) finally confirming that our decision to abandon the islands was probably correct.

Summer 2010 NEWS

The Training Sessions finish with the Canoe Camp to Inchcailloch this Saturday (July 4th) but the club will continue with trips and Polo throughout the summer. Keep an eye on the website and your email for details but there will be a trip next Wednesday evening July 7th and a long sea trip, probably to Skye and Harris, in August.

Most of the gear has now arrived and we have 3 Canoes, 7 River Boats and a Trailer available to members. We are now seeking a long term home for the equipment.

Clyde Trip, Sunday June 27th

Approaching a Big Boat

A hastily arranged trip to see the big ships anchored off the Tail of the Bank and in the Great Harbour at Greenock. Winds were a lot breezier than expected leading to a good chop and some interesting times. An enjoyable few hours.

Sam and an awful big boat
The group on the beach at Greenock Promenade (Fort Mathilda)

Skye Trip, May 2010

The decision to go to Skye was made on the morning of the departure after wind forecasts suggested the Jura route would not be possible/pleasant. Skye proved an excellent choice, albeit windy and testing at times. On days one and two we were pushed by a strongish wind southward, covering a planned three days to Glen Brittle in two. Because of the wind, swell and forecast, for the third and fourth days we opted for the more sheltered Loch Eishort.

Ready for the off
Departure, Portnalong, Loch Bracadale (With white horses)
Sunset at campsite on Wiay island
Campsite at Wiay
View from Wiay Campsite
Cave on Wiay
Cave Entrance on Wiay
Heading south to Talisker Bay
Talisker Bay
Deep Cave south of Talisker Bay
Waterfall at mouth of Loch Eynort
Waterfall and Ruth
Comfort Break, Loch Eynort
Campsite, Glen Brittle
The Black Cuillins from campsite
Loch Brittle
Heast on Loch Eishort
Landing, Eilean Dubh
Lunch Break, Eilean Dubh, Lch Eishort
Loch Eishort
Hugh and the Cuillin Ridge
Innis and the Cuillins
Myles and the Cuillins
Campsite, Loch Eishort
Wonderful Fire
Ruth's Ultimate Bow Saw and an Alton Towers Cape
Just emerged and sibling emerging
Of all it surveys

Deserted village of Boreraig
Heading home
Back in Heast

Loch Striven

A group of six made the drive up to Loch Striven. In calm waters, we paddled down the loch, round the anchored Maersk tankers and back again. Despite the odd squally shower, it was a most pleasant day.
