We have received information on the following advanced (Leader), coach and first aid courses. These are being run on a commercial basis but grants, particularly for Coach courses, may be available via the SCA (or possibly the Scout Association). You should contact the organizers ASAP .
Paddlepower & Adventure
Organizer Keith Davies paddlepoweradventure@hotmail.co.uk
Advanced Training Diary 2011
Date Description Location Days
TBC 4 star white water leader assessment Rivers Awe and Orchy 1
29th April – 2nd May BCU UKCC Level 2 coach training Loch Lomond, Luss 4
16th & 17th April 4 star open canoe training Rivers Awe and Orchy 2
23rd & 24th April White water safety and rescue River Tay, Grandtully 2
7th May 3 star white water assessment River Tay 1
13th – 16th May BCU UKCC Level 1 coach Loch Lomond, Luss 4
21st & 22nd May 4 star open canoe assessment Rivers Awe and Orchy 2
28th & 29th May 4 star white water leader training Rivers Awe and Orchy 2
11th June ‘11 Foundation Safety & Rescue Training Loch Lomond, Luss 1
2nd July ’11 3 star sea kayak assessment Oban area 1
25th & 26th Jun 4 star sea kayak leader assessment Oban area 2
16th July ’11 3 star open canoe assessment River Tay 1
30th & 31st July 4 star sea kayak leader training Oban area 2
20th Aug ‘11 Foundation Safety and Rescue Training Loch Lomond, Luss 1
8th & 9th Oct ‘11 White water safety and rescue River Tay, Grandtully 2
26th November ’11 3 star white water assessment River Tay 1
There is a provisional booking at Old Kilpatrick for a level one Coach course and possibly level 2 training or assessment for 4 days from the 29th april.
There are 3 places available on a full HSE First Aid in Work course from Friday 28th-Monday 31st Ja. This is the requirement for Outdoor professionals. If interested contact Grant grant.dolier@googlemail.com