Thursday 14th: Canoe Practice at Craigendoran Geoff, Willie, Euan and Natalie
With only 4 of us turning up we decided on a roughish water canoe paddle. An enjoyable game but not a serious proposition for the sea.
Thursday 21st: Cove, Blairmore and Strone Geoff, James, Laura, Mick, Damien and Stewart
At 7pm the rain was bouncing. At 7.01 it stopped and we crossed a tranquil Loch Long to Blairmore. Pushed on round to the Holy Loch for a drink in the Strone Inn. A wonderful evening.
Thursday 28th: Craigendoran-Ardmore. Geoff, Euan, Natalie, Willie, Stewart, Mel
A pleasant paddle by kayak and canoe (W&N).
Sunday 31st: A trip round Loch Lomond Isle with Myles Myles, Willie, Keith, Geoff, Stella, Mel, Vee, Boo, another Ranger
This was a “pilot” trip organised under the umbrella of the National Park. Myles, as a senior water Ranger provided insight into the natural history of the islands including the wallabies (could not find any), Capercaillie (found “pooh”) and the Ospreys of which we saw two. Trip promised some lively kayaking (Force 4 plus) which failed to materialise, unlike the precipitation. An excellent trip which we hope will lead to regular Ranger led paddles in the future.
(Photos to follow)