Sea Kayak:
Navigation and Planning Sessions: These will take place on Thursday evenings at the Cottage, John St Scout Halls on Thursdays 10th/17th and 24th November at 8pm, There will be a small charge of £10 (for the 3) to cover the room hire. The sessions are open to all interested, for new information or revision.
Open Water Safety: Saturday 5th Nov at 2pm. Location TBA (probably RNYC). You will be required to demonstrate two rescues 1. Group(both as rescuer and rescued) and 2) Self Rescue. It is essential that you come properly equipped with dry suit or thick wet suit. Let us know if you need to borrow gear.
Adult Basic:
Re-arranged Canoe Session Saturday 12th Nov 10am RYNC. (Euan says he will remember key)
Paddle Around the Islands Sunday20th 10am Ardlochlay (Luss) . Note re-arranged date.