Sea Kayak Trip Programme

Helensburgh Canoe Club

Sea Kayak Trip Programme Summer 2012


Date                                    Location(Grade)                             Leader

W/E 5th/6thMay             Round Lismore(B)                            Contact Myles

Thursday 17th May            Loch Craignish & Dorus Mor (B)  Contact  Geoff

Week 3rd-9th June             Round Jura (A)                           Contact Hugh

W/E 23rd/24thJune            Beginners Camp, Loch Lomond(C)Contact Geoff

3 or 4 Days 1st July            Ulva, Staffa &Treshnish Ises (B+) Contact

W/E 21st/22nd July            Loch Spelve (Mull) (B+)                 Contact Hugh

Week 12th-18th Aug          Minch Crossing and Shiants(A)      Contact Hugh

Sun 2nd September            Bass Rock(B)                                     Contact  Geoff

Week 8th October             South Turkey (Kos, Kevlova)(B)     Contact  Geoff

There will be paddles most Wednesday evenings throughout the summer.


Grade A: For experienced Sea Kayakers. Involves strong tidal streams and/or exposed water. Weather/risk assessment and passage planning familiarity essential.

Grade B: For anyone who has completed club Sea Expedition Training (3 Star Sea) or equivalent.

B+: As above but who have completed at least one Grade B exped.


Grade C: For anyone, including youngsters and families

There will be planning/briefing discussions for trips where necessary.

NB: As ever these trips are weather dependent and locations may be changed to more sheltered areas or, if the worst happens, trips cancelled.