Helensburgh Canoe Club
Sea Kayak Trip Programme Summer 2012
Date Location(Grade) Leader
W/E 5th/6thMay Round Lismore(B) Contact Myles
Thursday 17th May Loch Craignish & Dorus Mor (B) Contact Geoff Riddington89@hotmail.com
Week 3rd-9th June Round Jura (A) Contact Hugh isentropical@virgin.net
W/E 23rd/24thJune Beginners Camp, Loch Lomond(C)Contact Geoff Riddington89@hotmail.com
3 or 4 Days 1st July Ulva, Staffa &Treshnish Ises (B+) Contact Hughisentropical@virgin.net
W/E 21st/22nd July Loch Spelve (Mull) (B+) Contact Hugh isentropical@virgin.net
Week 12th-18th Aug Minch Crossing and Shiants(A) Contact Hugh isentropical@virgin.net
Sun 2nd September Bass Rock(B) Contact Geoff Riddington89@hotmail.com
Week 8th October South Turkey (Kos, Kevlova)(B) Contact Geoff Riddington89@hotmail.com
There will be paddles most Wednesday evenings throughout the summer.
Grade A: For experienced Sea Kayakers. Involves strong tidal streams and/or exposed water. Weather/risk assessment and passage planning familiarity essential.
Grade B: For anyone who has completed club Sea Expedition Training (3 Star Sea) or equivalent.
B+: As above but who have completed at least one Grade B exped.
Grade C: For anyone, including youngsters and families
There will be planning/briefing discussions for trips where necessary.
NB: As ever these trips are weather dependent and locations may be changed to more sheltered areas or, if the worst happens, trips cancelled.