Club Programme: Early Winter 2012/3

Helensburgh Canoe Club

Programme: Early Winter 2012/3



Thurs 6th:  Midweek Paddle. Meet Cove 10am. Contact Geoff (674966) or email for further information.

Sat: 8th : Lower Orchy. Grade 2 river. Contact Grant if interested.

Sunday 9th: Beginners Sea Paddle. Meet RNYC 10am.

Wed 12th: Xmas Social. Meet Commodore 7pm for meal or join group at 8pm plus for a couple of drinks.



Tues  8th: First Aid for kayakers. Pool at 7pm.  Instruction/Discussion on what can happen and how to deal with it. Covers topics like Hypothermia, Asthmatic Shock, Hyperventilation, Heart Attacks, Breaks and Dislocations. Practical sessions in pool on dealing on water with unconscious casualties, exhaustion, broken or dislocated arms.

Sat 12th: White Water Safety and Rescue Course. Location tbc

Tues 15th: Adult Basic Skills (Start of 10 week course). Pool



W/E 2nd/3rd: Sea Kayak Bothy Weekend. Grade B plus. Location tbc