There have been questions asked about what happens in the way of trips and training after the Basic Skills Course.
Star Qualifications: If you manage to get on the outdoor trips then Basic Skills should have taken you up to a 2 Star level in Kayaks. However you also need to reach 2 Star level in Canoes to obtain the award. Robin, who will be the assessor, is offering to take you towards this level in canoes this coming Saturday, 8th April, 10am at Luss .
If you want to do the training this Saturday (8th April) you must let me know as we need to organise canoe transport. Robin will not assess for the 2 Star until he is happy with what he sees. If he does think you are ready he will arrange an assessment. Note that the 2 Star is the normal target for the DoE Award.
The 3 star is discipline specific. It requires both experience and skills such as rolling. If you have done Hugh’s Sea Expedition Training, can roll and have been on a number of trips then you will be at or over 3 Star (Sea) and can go for assessment on one of the organised SCA Courses. If you fancy working on rivers (or surf or open canoes) then you should sign up for 3 Star Training as well as the 3 Star Assessment. The open sessions in the Pool are intended to help you develop the skills.
To find Courses look at the SCA events calendar and use the filter to look at Star Award courses only. For example there is a 3*Sea Kayak Training and Assessment Course in Stonehaven this coming weekend.
Foundation Safety and Rescue: This is a course for all. The club will run one on Saturday May 20th, probably at Arden. Details to follow.
Coach Courses: If you fancy coaching (and we hope you do) then you need to start with a Level 1 Coach Course. The pre-requisites are the 2 Star and Foundation Safety and Rescue. The club has provisionally organised a Course for two weekends in July but needs to discuss this with other clubs to ensure minimum numbers. Sports Scotland support is available to assist with costs.
Trips: There are two sorts of trips: Club and Friends. One of the aims of the club is to bring people together who simply want to paddle. Members on a Friends trip are peers and the trip has no official leader. It is understood that each adult takes total responsibility for themselves alone. A Club trip is normally a training trip and the leader will ensure that the members are of an appropriate standard, carry out the risk assessment and ensure that appropriate equipment is carried. There is a day trip this Saturday (8th April) for anyone who has done the Basic Skills course meeting at Luss at 10am. You must let me know ASAP if interested. After Easter there will be regular Thursday evening Club paddles.
Club Sea Kayak Expeditions are for experienced paddlers who have completed the Sea Expedition Course including the Open Water Safety element and a non-stop paddle of 12km. Each paddler must be properly equipped with flares, splits etc. The next planned Sea Kayak Expedition is 29th/30th April.
Leader Training: The BCU/SCA has just introduced a qualification stream for leaders and over time the Club will be hoping experienced paddlers will go for the qualifications. The 4 star, to be renamed, is the middle level of this stream and is the obvious next step for a 3 star paddler who does not really want to coach.