Paddlers: David, John and Geoff
Weather: Overcast but Bright, occasional sun. NW Breezy F4 with occasional stronger squalls
Route: Inversloy- Ardlui-Inverarnan Canal- Ardleish-Island I Vow- Inversanid-Inversloy
Report: North Loch Lomond is a stunning scenic area with Ben Volich and the Little Hills to the west and Ben Lomond to the east. This little jaunt was chiefly exercise and company with a bit of exploration thrown in but set in the best. Our route took us north on the west shore to Ardlui. Throughout the day there was a wind from the north and, on this section, it became quite nasty at times.

Our first target was the currently disused hotel/outdoor centre just north of the village. Initially opened as a hotel named MacGregor’s Bothy it was taken over by West Dumbartonshire as an Outdoor Centre and is currently set up with four en-suite bedrooms and 20 double, triple and four bedded bunkrooms, The business plan envisaged significant commercial use during the holidays but it never occurred and the building has been empty for two years with inevitable consequences.

Lunch and a nosey then on further north up the Falloch towards Inverarnan. Sadly the short canal up to the Drovers Inn was completely blocked by fallen tree so we turned tail and headed off back down the river and then along the east side of the loch towards “Island I Vow”. This has a good beach and campsite together with a castle with a dungeon. An excellent place to bring children.

After coffee the next leg took us to Inversnaid where we landed on the excellent little beach inside the small dock. A pot of tea and 3 excellent scones taken outside in the sun plus intelligent conversation on the state of the world. What could be better?
Our final leg talk us NW straight into the wind. Surprisingly enjoyable. What a brilliant way to end an excellent trip of some 20km.