Geoff, Vonna, Serena, Gordon, Steve
SE F2, overcast, occasional sun
This is the 4th trip run under the Organised Sport Activity. Originally set up as a Peer Trip but converted to a Club Trip.
After an early start and for those from Helensburgh an escorted drive up the Rest & be Thankful Military Rd we were ready on the water for 10.15. Starting with a lovely paddle through the narrows at the top of the loch amidst autumn colours we followed the East shore to Castle Sween for lunch. Only Serena managed to walk the castle grounds as the rest of us were too busy nattering and our lunch schedule too quickly used. The return was made via the West shore with a quick nose into Linne Mhuirich. We met a group from Glasgow University who were surveying the maerl beds by snorkel one of whom was a past HCC member. With a favourable tide we were back at our vehicles for 1600.
Total distance 28Km
Wildlife seen: seals, brittle stars and unidentified raptor