News and Decisions, March 15th

Helensburgh Canoe Club


At its meeting 15the March the Club Committee agreed the following

  1. The AGM will take place on Tuesday 3rd April at 7.30pm in the Scout Hall, John St. Topics for the Photo Competition this year are a). Blue Skies and b) Dark Skies and must feature either a kayak/canoe or be taken from one. Nominations are requested for anyone interested in joining the committee.
  2. There will be a Beginners Trip next Saturday 24th March from Luss at 10am. Everybody is welcome but please let us know if you need equipment ASAP.
  3. Club evenings will begin Thursday 18th April and run every Thursday throughout the summer until October. In April, May and June there will be 3 ”groups” a) Young Beginners on the Course (Euan and Allan) b) Intermediate Paddlers (John, Gordon and Steve) and c) Sea Kayakers (Hugh and Geoff). The Intermediate Paddling group is a Skills Training Group with a river orientation and should be of particular interest to younger non-beginners.
  4. The Pool will still be available on Tuesdays throughout April, May and the first part of June for skills practice and for the Basic Skills for Young People The latter commences Tuesday 13th April and finishes with a weekend camp on 24th/25th June. It will be run by Euan Forrest and Allan Jones.
  5. Trip Programmes for River and Sea will be available at the AGM
  6. Midweek Trips will take place on Tuesdays from 26th March
  7. The Club is promoting the BCU/SCA Leadership stream and will be arranging a 1 day FSRT Course and a 2 Day PaddleSport Leader Course.

Initial Programme Autumn 2016


Tues 23rd   Pool Re-Opens for individual practice

Week 23rd-29th Sea Kayak Outer Hebrides. Contact Hugh

Tues 30th   Pool Session


Tues 6th. Pool. Basic Skills Course Starts1

Tues 13th. Pool.

Sat 17th. Outdoor Basic Session. All welcome particularly improvers

Tues 20th Pool

W/E 24th Sea Expedition to North West

Tues 27th Pool


Sun 2nd Pinkston White Water Course

Tues 4th Pool

Sat 8th Outdoor Basic Session. All welcome particularly improvers

Tues 11th Pool

Tue 18th Pool

Sat 22nd Outdoor Basic Session. All welcome particularly improvers

Tue 25th Pool


Tue 1st Pool. Basic Course Ends

Tue 8th Pool. Sea Exped. Course Starts

Tue 15th Pool

Tue 22nd Pool

Tue 29th Pool


Tue 6th Pool

Tue 13th Pool. Sea Exped. Course Ends

Tue 20th Pool

Chairperson’s Report 2014/15


  • Membership steady at just under 50
  • High Turnover: New members on Basic Skills Course, Many leave after 1 or 2 years
  • Gender Distribution: Female 25% of members
  • Age Distribution: Equally Spread ;18, 18-30, 30-55,>55

Training Courses Run: Basic  Skills, Basic Skills for Youngsters, Sea Expedition, Foundation Safety and Rescue

Coaches: Significant increase in number and level of qualified coaches working with club

River and Whitewater: Limited ; dependent upon availability of limited number of people, Pinkston Trip very successful. To be expanded.

Loch and Sea: Extensive Programme (19 trips) for all ability levels with 38 Participants in total on one or more


  • Club Healthy : Finances and Activities
  • Pool Sessions: Provide focus.
  • Need to do more to retain youngsters in club; Pinkston, Rivers, Polo, Club Co-operation=> Competition
  • Need to refresh club officers and committee.

Geoff Riddington Chair 12/3/15

NB The full powerpoint presentation with trip photos can be obtained from

Treasurers Report 2014/15

                        HELENSBURGH CANOE CLUB


Income and Expenditure Account (Year Ending 28th February 2015)


                                                                              2012/13                2013/14                   2014/15

INCOME                                                                  £                            £                            £

Membership Fees                                                  850.00                1,340.00                 1,320.00

Profit on pool and coaching activities                  562.50                    (79.95)                   393.39

Bank Interest                                                            0.22                       0.24                        0.29

Equipment Rental                                                     0.00                     80.00                      60.00

Miscellaneous                                                       45.47                     50.00                      40.00

———-             ———-                  ———-

                                                                             1,458.19                 1,390.29                1,813.68


Scottish Canoe Association Affiliation                  50.00                      75.00                   115.00

Venue rentals for meetings                                     15.00                      20.00                     60.00

Equipment (fixed assets)                                      820.00                    679.00                       0.00

Equipment (consumables)                                      54.00                    267.99                   110.00

Miscellaneous                                                     0.00                        0.00                       0.00

RNCYC Associate Membership                                 –                               –                         200.00

Depreciation                                                           1,858.51                 1,425.97                1,425.97

———-               ———-                  ———-

                                                                                 2,797.51                 2,467.96                1,910.97


SURPLUS/DEFICIT FOR YEAR                            (1,279.32)              (1,077.67)                  (97.29)



Balance Sheet as at 28th February 2015.


                                       Notes                                   £                          £                             £           


Fixed Assets                      1                                5,351.25              4,604.28                 3,178.31


Current Assets

    Bank                                                                        4,271.85              4,178.81                 5,307.52

Creditors                                                                    0.00                     0.00                        0.00

    Stock                                                                     60.00                   40.00                        0.00

Current Liabilities                                                    

Debtors                                                               (600.00)              (494.66)                 (254.67)

Cash in advance                                                 (336.00)                    0.00                        0.00


Net Current Assets                                         3,395.85             3,724.15                 5,052.85


                                                                           £ 8,747.10           £8,328.43               £8,231.16

Represented by:


Capital Account:                                                 8,747.10             8,328.43                 8,231.16



                                                                     £ 8,747.10           £8,328.43               £8,231.16

Ken White


10th March 2105.





Notes to the Accounts as at 28th February 2015



  1. Fixed Assets and Depreciation*.


Asset                        Purchased     Cost         Depreciation Value 28/02/15  Total


Trailer                       07/06/10    1,991.99          332.00      1,328.00              663.99

3 Canoes                  07/06/10    2,073.63          345.60      1,382.40              691.23

3 Sea Kayaks           28/09/10    2,116.23          352.70      1,410.80              705.43

Trailer                       20/10/10    1,095.00          182.50         730.00              365.00

Sea Kayak P&H      29/06/12        600.00          100.00         300.00              300.00

Open Canoe (MR)   09/03/13       679.00          113.17         226.34              452.66


                                                       8,555.85        1,425.97     5,377.54           3,178.31


* Fixed Assets depreciated over 6 years.


AGM 12th March 2015


Treasurer’s Report for 2014/15


The Club’s finances are relatively stable.

Membership fee income is very similar to last year. The modest profit on pool and coaching activities reflects the fact that the pool is reasonably well used most Tuesdays.

On the expenditure side, there were no fixed asset purchases, and only limited spend on consumables. This is likely to change in the next financial year, as one or two sea kayaks may need replacing, along with a substantial amount of consumable equipment (e.g. spray decks, buoyancy aids, paddles etc). With over £5,000 in the bank, this should be manageable.

The £200 “RNCYC Associate Membership” payment is the annual charge for use of the storage container.

The Club isn’t generating sufficient reserves to replace the main kayak “fleets” that were purchased with Lottery grants. The committee’s current expectation is that further Lottery (or other) funding will be available when these boats need to be replaced.

Ken White


11th March 2015


Club Officers and Committee 2015/16

The AGM last Thursday (12th March 2015) elected the following members

Chairperson: Grant Dolier

Secretary: Tim Lamb

Treasurer: Ken White

Chief Coach: Euan Forrest

Communications and Website: Geoff Riddington

Inland Convener: Grant Dolier

Quartermaster: Euan Forrest

Sea Convener: High Murray

Safeguarding Officer: Mark Cleminson

Committee: David Norton, Eleanor Phillips, M.M

The Club Accounts and Chair’s Report can be found under information and policies

Minutes of Committee Meeting, Monday 9th Feb 2015, Lochgoilhead 1pm

Present; Geoff, Hugh, Euan, David, Allan, Tim, Grant

Apologies; Mark, Ellie, Ken

  1. Money and Equipment Requirements. An estimate was made that the club had around £3,500 with outstanding bills for the pool of around £800 and our next payment to RCYNC of £500 due in the spring. The club can therefore afford both maintenance and, if there is a good offer, investment in new boats, specifically a sea kayak.
  2. Grant Application. The fleet of boats owned by the Scouts but used in the Spring for training youngsters have reached the end of their life. The boat selected is the Pyranha Fusion which is best described as a touring boat , suitable for loch, inshore touring and rivers and retailing about £550 each. Three potential funding sources were identified a) Coast and Communities Fund when it reopens b) Awards for All and c) Scout Development Funds via Scouts. The target is 12 boats and associated equipment

 Actions: EF to get forms for C&C Fund and Awards for all

GR to investigate Scout funds

  1. Maintenance of Sea Kayaks. This had not yet occurred. Grant’s suggestion of retrofitting closed cell foam as bulkheads and sealing with Sikaflex agreed.

Actions: GD to contact cell manafacturers about purchase and “cut to size” units

GR to get sea kayak to QD Plastics ASAP and investigate if they could do bulkhead work.

  1. RNCYC AGM  Wed 25th Feb. Important meeting at RNCYC on their future strategy. Canoe Club officials would attend to show face and investigate repair/workshop options at RNCYC.

Delegates: GR, DN and MC

  1. Coaching Plans and Possible Dates
  • Basic Skills for Youngsters Course, 10 places, scheduled April-June.
  • Foundation Safety and Rescue  scheduled for May.
  • Lochgoilhead Centre to run L1 and L2 coach training in school holidays
  • Willie Macleod is running L1 course 14/15th and21st/22nd March and L2 Training 23rd/24th May and 6th/7th June
  • Robin will undertake 2 star assessments.

A discussion followed on why relatively few on our Basic courses became long term members. The lack of a development path at Youth level was one reason and hopefully co-operation between clubs north of the Clyde might help. The present SCA structure mitigates against this. Grant thought that our retention rate was high compared to the norm of 3%.

Action: GR to investigate A&B funding

  1. Sea (Loch) Trips. Hugh to organise a) Day/Overnight trips monthly from March. B) 3 or 4 day trip late April c) 1 week trip July August and d) 1 week trip abroad early October. Geoff is to organise midweek trips starting this Thursday 12th Feb around Little Cumbrae.
  2. River Trips. Grant is still only experienced paddler willing to take kayak river trips at grade 2 and above. M  might take canoe trip . Next agreed date in April.

Action GR to talk to M   

  1. Pinkston. Grant to arrange monthly sessions at Pinkston for club Action: GD
  2. Lomond Club. Back in operation and eager to collaborate. Club agreed to mutual rights : we can attend their pool sessions (Sunday evenings in Dumbarton) and trips and they can equally attend our sessions and trips . One qualification is that for insurance reasons a member should join the relevant club after three trips away.
  3. Child Protection. Mark reported some progress. Agreed that all who have direct contact with youngster’s course (GR, EF, MC, RB) must have PVG via SCA and everybody in club should be made aware of the need to always have another person present when with a youngster. Club currently does not have any vulnerable adults.

11 . Showcase in Colquoun Square. Clubs have been offered a chance to display their wares in Helensburgh on any Saturday they choose.  Our conclusion was that it would not be particularly effective; we could not cope with a large influx of new members even if they resulted. However we should get note into Community Advertiser and on notice in Pool to ensure we are known to anyone interested.                                                                   Action: GR.

  1. AGM. Date: Thursday 12th March 8pm in Scout Hall . Photo Competition a). Portrait with a boat (kayak/canoe) b) Structures with a boat.  Note: The chair is required by the club constitution to demit office this year                                                          Action GR to book Hall


  1. Tour of Scout Activity Centre. GD showed us around the activity centre and explained what they currently offer. Of particular interest was the provision made for the mentally and physically challenged and the increasing professionalization of the staff.
  1. Meeting Closed; 4pm


GLR 10/1/15

Committee Minutes April 2014

H.C.C  Committee Meeting Minutes  4th April 2014

1. Apologies: David Norton, Mark Cleminson, Kenneth White, M.M.

2. Finance: Course fee from Hugh’s Navigation course still to be collected from students.  Hugh has approval to buy kayak lifting straps but is still looking for something appropriate. Grant got two canoe trolleys for the club at £30each and will claim the money from the club alongside the money for the clubs SCA affiliation which he paid. Our affiliation fee has increased this year from £75 to £115.

3. Training: a) Young Persons course due to run 29th April- 24th June With use of the Pool on Tuesday nights and an outside session on Thursday nights. A consolidation weekend camp at the end of the course on the 28/29th June

b) Parent and Kids Course, Recently within the club there have been some enquires into courses for younger children (as a club we only really cater from about 12 up) from this we have decided to run an Introduction to Family Paddling.  The aim of this is to educate people within the community on the safe and appropriate practice of paddlesport.  The proposed structure of the course is to run over 2 Saturdays or 1 weekend within the summer holidays. The committee are going to have a planning meeting for this to decide details and syllabus in May.

c) 2* Assessment the club is running the 26th/27th April.

4. Pool/Polo: The Committee decided to cancel the pool sessions over the school summer holidays and to run Tuesday evening polo sessions at craigendoran instead.

5. River Trips: This month’s river trip has been cancelled due to Grant’s availability. The rest of the monthly trips are to be reposted on facebook and Mark has taken over as inland coordinator. Grant is to look into a trip to Pinkston for some of the more experienced inland paddlers.

6. Sea Trips inc Assessment: Open water safety test for members that have attended Hugh’s course in the pool on the Sunday 4th May.  Trips, May 24th/25th/26th Staffa/Treshnish.  June 7th /8th Grey Dog/ Garvellachs.  July 5th for a week around Jura.

7. RCNYC: Have been paid our named members are Hugh and Geoff. The padlock at the container is to be kept dry by locking it upside down.

8. AOCB: Hugh proposed a meeting for club officials and members ,who are delivering material to others, to go over current good practice. Geoff suggested a good forum for that might be in the form of a FSRT for club to be run in early July.

AGM Minutes

Helensburgh Canoe Club

AGM Monday 17th March 2014

John St. Scout Hall 7.30pm



1)     Apologies: Ken White

2)     Treasurers Report: Hugh (for Ken) presented the report. The meeting discussed the change in the “Training and Pool” from substantial surplus to deficit. Geoff explained that last year’s figures were probably inflated by late membership payments but numbers on courses were significantly down.  It was too early to tell if this was a one off. One idea for increasing training numbers and deal with the light use of the pool in the summer period was to be discussed.The meeting agreed with Ken’s general conclusion that there was no reason to worry yet.

3)     Chairman’s Report:  Geoff gave a short illustrated review of year’s activities which clearly demonstrated the number and range of activities. He concluded we were doing well.

4)     Coaching Report:  Grant explained the BCU/UKCC Award Scheme and the 2 Star assessment scheduled for April. He also discussed the monthly river trips, 3 Star assessments and a level 1 Coach course he was running next week. An FSRT course was also to be scheduled very shortly.

The Pinkston Development is now due to open officially May 7th. Grant was hoping to arrange for the club to get in for a “trial” run before then

A Parent/Child Training , operating over the summer holidays, had been suggested. The idea was to offer a chance for children 8-12 with a parent to start paddling. Mark C. had offered to take responsibility.  Emphasis would be on safety and paddling together in canoes (and kayaks?). An application would go to Sports Scotland for a grant for necessary equipment. Some doubts were expressed on whether we had the resources available. It was agreed that more discussion was required and firm plans identified.

5)     Election of Officers and Committee

a)     Chair: Geoff Riddington

b)     Secretary: Eleanor Phillips

c)      Treasurer: Ken White

d)     Chief Coach: Grant Dolier

e)     Quartermaster: Euan Forrest

f)      Convenor: Sea: Hugh Murray

g)     Convenor: Inland: Mark Cleminson

h)     Child Protection: Mark Cleminson

i)       Other Committee Members: Dave Norton, M.M

Grant would continue to lead river trips with Mark co-ordinating people and equipment in Helensburgh.

6)     Plans: Most members seemed happy with the present mix of day, weekend and week length trips. Grant re-iterated that there was a river trip next week.

7)     Affiliation to RNYC: The meeting agreed to take up the offer from the RNCYC for affiliate status (and container hire). This would give us in addition the tight to use changing facilities and social club membership for four named Members. Suggested names were Mark C., Euan with Geoff and Hugh if no other member of the club wanted to take up the offer.

8)     AOB: The photo competition was judged and Hugh won both categories.



Committee Minutes Jan 14th 2014

Helensburgh Canoe Club

Committee Meeting Jan 13th 2014


Present  Geoff, Grant, Hugh, Euan, Eleanor, Mark

Finance: Bills for a) Canoe Trolleys b) Pool (2*3months). Geoff thought we could manage these without problems but would contact Ken as soon as he returns

Equipment Needs: Hugh suggested a pair of strops for carrying loaded sea kayaks. Agreed at suggested price of £50

Pool and Swimming Club.

We should have the three family cubicles reserved for us (on the right by the gym door) for changing

The showers are not on the poolside and are not part of the pool hire. We can use them during the Swimming Club sessions and they can use them during canoe sessions.

Buoyancy Aid and replacement bucket to be brought to Pool.


Sea Kayak Navigation. Date of commencement: 20th Feb for 5 weeks.

Adult Basic Skills. Age 14+. Start Date  28th Jan for 10 weeks. Cost £35. Target Groups (DoE, Explorers). Geoff to contact Advertiser and Youth Groups.

2 Star Assessment. 27th and 28th April. £20 for 2 days.

3 Star Training. Agreed to train youngsters for 3 Star Canoe. Those doing Sea Kayak course would proceed to 3 Star independently.  Mark would work with youngsters in pool. Monthly session involving either canoe or kayak on rivers.

External Courses: UKCC Level 1 would run at Lochgoilhead at start of summer vacation. Funding available. There are a number of 4 Star courses currently on offer..

River  Grant would be running sessions on the river on the following Saturdays:

15th Feb, 22nd March, 19th April, 17th May 21st June, 19th July, 6th August. These will be in both canoes and kayaks and are an essential part of both 2 and 3 star Training. Everybody is welcome particularly our younger members.  

Sea Trips

There will be a midweek day trip in February. Date and location to be determined by Weather (Forecast)

Weekend 1st March: Bothy trip. Depart Helensburgh for Mark Cottage on Loch Long via KIlcreggan and Ardentinny. This is a training paddle/weekend and suitable for those who are completing the sea kayak expedition course.

Club Meetings.

Monday 3rd February. Scout Hall 8pm. Stoves and Food. A look and discussion of alternative stove designs and pots. How much better is titanium? Then a discussion and tasting of expedition food/menus from 5 experienced kayakers/chefs.

Monday 3rd March. Scout Hall 8pm. AGM and Photo Competition . Competition topics: i) Weather  ii) People and Paddles. Illustrated report on year from chair and discussion of the BCU/UKCC award system from Chief Coach.

Monday 7th April: “Sleeping Systems” A look at and discussion of all things sleeping; tents, bags and mats. Is a geodesic worth the money and weight? How much larger and comfier is a down mat? Is a down bag that much better?

Lomond Canoe Club  Club was reported to be mothballed for this year. Suggested Chair writes to secretary offering temporary home for any adult wanting to come out on trips. Colin to be specifically invited on river trips.

Pinkston Opening early February (9th for invited guests).

First Aid. Grant would contact two suppliers to identify cost and possible dates for full 2 day course.

Subs. Held at current rates but concessionary rate (over 65s) abolished. Geoff to prepare renewal notices for distribution on 3rd February with attempt to gather all subs in by or close to AGM.




Programme Winter 2014


Tues 28th              Adult Basic Skills Course Commences.                                                  Pool 7.30pm



Mon 3rd                Club Meeting: Stoves and Food. A look and discussion of alternative stove designs and pots. How much better is titanium? Then a discussion and tasting of expedition food/menus from 5 experienced kayakers/chefs.                Scout Hall 8pm

Thur 9th (TBC)    Day Paddle (Sea). Date and location dependent upon weather.

Sat 15th                River Trip.  These trips will involve both canoes and kayaks and are aimed at taking those with Basic and Pool skills up to 3 Star level

Thur 23rd              Sea Kayak Training Part 2. This part covers passage planning, navigation and safety systems.                                                                                                        Scout Cottage 8pm



W/E 1st/2nd          Sea Kayak Trip. Depart Helensburgh for Mark Cottage Bothy on Loch Long via KIlcreggan and Ardentinny. This is a training paddle/weekend and suitable for those who are completing the sea kayak expedition course.

Mon 3rd                AGM and Photo Competition . Competition topics: i) Weather ii) People and Paddles. Illustrated report on year from chair and discussion of the BCU/UKCC award system from Chief Coach.                                                                        Scout Hall 8pm

Sat 22nd                River Trip



Mon 7th             Club Meeting: “Sleeping Systems” A look at and discussion of all things sleeping; tents, bags and mats. Is a geodesic worth the money and weight? How much larger and comfier is a down mat? Is a down bag that much better?

Tues 8th                Basic Skills Course finishes

Sat 19th                River Trip

W/E 27th/28th     2 Star Assessment. £20 for 2 days of instruction and assessment