Helensburgh Canoe Club
A.G.M. Thursday 24th March 2011,
Scout Halls, John St
1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies from Keith Davies, Willie and Grant Dolier
2. General Report
3. Treasurers Report
4. Election of Committee
a) Chair
Because of pressure of work and family Keith had retired, Geoff Riddington was nominated by Hugh Murray, seconded by Sue Smith and duly elected
b) Treasurer
Ken White
c) Secretary
Vacant. Committee to seek a replacement for Geoff ASAP
d) Quartermaster
Willie Dolier
e) Coaching Organiser
Grant Dolier
f) Convenor; Sea Trips
Hugh Murray
g) Convenor, River Trips
Vacant. We are still looking for someone to look after this important post.
h) Ordinary Members (Up to 6)
Sue Smith (Gender Issues)
Euan Forrest (Coaching)
Neil Walden (Social and Fund Raising)
5. Plans for the Coming Year
Pool time doubled after Easter. Youth Coaching course Easter to Summer.
Sea Trip plans for near future presented including Minch crossing.
6. AOB
After a short break for Tea and Biscuits, Sue Smith gave an entertaining and informative illustrated talk on her (and Alan’s) 8 week expedition to the Dalmatian Coast
Income and Expenditure Account (Year Ending 28th February 2011)
2009/10 2010/11
Membership Fees 605.00 730.00
Profit on pool and coaching activities (67.40) 339.42
Bank Interest 0.07 0.38
——— ———
537.67 1,069.80
Scottish Canoe Association Affiliation 50.00 50.00
Venue rentals for meetings 0.00 0.00
Ancillary Equipment 245.00 531.00
Equipment Repair 0.00 188.00
Miscellaneous 0.00 50.00
Depreciation 545.69 545.69
840.69 1,364.69
SURPLUS/DEFICIT FOR YEAR (303.02) (294.89)
Balance Sheet as at 28th February 2011.
Notes £ £
Fixed Assets 1 1,637.09 8,368.25
Current Assets
Bank 10,482.72 1,578.22
Creditors 162.00 0.00
Current Liabilities
Debtors (157.40) (350.70)
Cash in advance 0.00 (420.00)
Net Current Assets 10,487.32 807.52
£ 12,124.41 £ 9,175.77
Represented by:
Capital Account: 2,124.41 9,106.37
Awards For All Grant 2 10,000.00 69.40
£ 12,124.41 £ 9,1755.77
K. White
20th March 2011
Notes to the Accounts as at 28th February 2011
1. Fixed Assets and Depreciation*.
Asset Purchased Cost Depreciation Value 29/02/11 Yr Total
10 Kayaks 08/12/06 3,274.16 545.69 2,182.76 1,091.40
Trailer 07/06/10 1,991.99 0.00 0.00 1,991.99
3 Canoes 07/06/10 2,073.63 0.00 0.00 2,073.63
3 Sea Kayaks 28/09/10 2,116.23 0.00 0.00 2,116.23
Trailer 20/10/10 1,095.00 0.00 0.00 1,095.00
545.69 2,182.76 8,368.25
* Fixed Assets depreciated over 6 years.
2. Awards For All Grant.
Grant awarded January 2010 £ 10,000.00
Expenditure in 2010/11:
2 trailers 3,086.99
3 Canoes 2,073.63
3 Sea kayaks 2,116.23
Ancillary canoe/kayak equipment 2,653.75
Balance in bank £ 69.40
Helensburgh Canoe Club
A.G.M. Thursday 24th March 2011, Scout Halls, John St
General Report
I think we will probably look back at 2010/111 as the year that the club moved to maturity. For the first time we have a membership data base, a comprehensive kit list and even insurance. We now have a home for our gear and an up to date web site. We have established pool time which is about to be doubled. We are developing and running training courses with qualified coaches that have come through our club. In the case of our Sea Expedition Training we are almost unique in providing quality training.
At this stage I think it appropriate to thank a number of people;
Firstly our past chairman Keith Davis, who got the club going, did the initial paperwork and got us the funds for our excellent equipment. We all owe a great deal to Keith.
Secondly the club is indebted to the Dolier clan; Grant for his role as Coach in our training programmes, Natalie as our membership secretary and pool fund collector and Willie for getting to grips with the equipment side. To you all, our thanks.
Finally I would like to thank Hugh, not only for his efforts with the Sea Kayak training over the last few years but also for stepping in on the teaching side over the last few weeks. His support has been invaluable.
Activity wise we possibly may not have been quite as active as last year. Looking through the website we had 4 overnighters
1) A long weekend trip from West Loch Tarbert up the west coat to Tayvallich
2) A 5 day trip on West Skye
3) A long weekend on Loch Awe
4) A training weekend on Loch Lomond
We had lots of day trips e.g.
1) Loch Striven
2) Fog on the The Clyde
3) The River Awe
4) Loch Lomond.
5) Rough Water training at Ardrossan
We had lots of evening trips e.g
1) Loch Long at Finnart
2) River Leven
3) Loch Long at Ardentinny
4) Clyde
5) Loch Lomond
For the first time, this year, members became competitors when Sue and Ruth entered the Round Lismore Sea Race; Sue becoming Veteran Ladies Champion and Sue and Ruth claiming second and third places in the Open Ladies category.
Finally this year cannot be allowed to pass without comment on our Open Day at Loch Lomond and our stand at Helensburgh 2011. Looking around, these appear to have been highly successful in introducing people to this great sport/recreation.
For the future I think one of our key problems is going to be remaining solvent. If we double pool time we must fill the sessions. We will have insurance and maintenance bills that we have not had before. We will have to ensure our membership is fully paid up. So possibly sadly today we are waving goodbye to our youth