1. The Basic Skills course finishes in the Pool on Tuesday November 5th.
2. The third outdoor session of the course will be a paddle round the Islands of Loch Lomond on Sunday 3rd November, meeting at the lay-by at Aldlochlay at 10am. We should finish about 2pm so bring something to eat and drink. Everybody in the club is welcome. Please could you confirm you are coming and the equipment you need.
3. A reminder that The Paddle Show is on in Perth on 25th/26th October. It is thoroughly recommended.
4. The Sea Expedition course starts on Tuesday Nov 12th at the Pool. It is in two parts. The first 5 weeks (until Xmas) primarily concerns Safety and Rescue at sea. Initially we concentrate on group rescues and then progress to self rescue with floats and rolling. There will be a sea paddle in November or early December and the cost for this section is £20. The second half of the course looks at Planning and Navigation (and how to ensure you do not need those safety techniques) and will take place on Thursday evenings in the New Year. One session will also look in detail at what to take in the way of camping and clothing equipment. Participants are also invited to continue to develop their rescue and rolling skills in the Pool on Tuesday nights along with other club members.
5. There will be a talk on Thursday 21st November at 7.30 in the Scout Hall, John St on the Argyll Kayak Trail by Russell Davies the Project Officer. The trail runs to Oban via Helensburgh, Kyles of Bute and the Crinan Canal and involves various projects, such as pontoons and trolleys on the Crinan Canal, to make life a bit easier. Everybody is welcome.