Paddlers: Steve, John, Gordon and Jamie
A somewhat damp day on the River Awe, not that we noticed!
We put in just below the Pass of Brander Barrage on the A85 and shuttled the cars to Taynault Pier at the end of the B845.
Steve led us down and we spent time practicing ferry gliding below the damn before entering the “Graveyard”!
En route we practiced breaking in and out of eddies, eddie hopping and trying to catch standing waves.
Gordon and Steve both managed to take involuntary swims but managed to roll back up (the water was lovely). Jamie practiced popping his spraydeck and John declined to test the water.
We all survived “Magnetic Rock”, the trickiest bit of the river. It was so good we got out and did it again.
Tremendous fun and a big thanks to Steve for leading us and to John for all his tips.
Some video clips for your amusement: