Paddlers; Steve Wheaton, Colin Hosey, Gordon Smith, Damien Theaker, Robbie MacLachlan
Route: Anti-clockwise from Port Appin

Sat Aug 10th 2019. Port Appin to Southern end of Lismore via West side
Weather: NNW F3-4, HW 15:10, just past neaps, sunny intervals
Port Appin 1100hrs, cars left in public carpark, boats launched alongside slipway.
Lovely paddle across sound with little N. going tide felt. Through islands off Port Ramsay where several good campsites spotted. Lunch at Castle Coeffin among ruins with superb vantage across Loch Linnhe to Kingairloch.

Passage inside Bernera Island and coffee break on beach facing Bernara Bay. Late afternoon with S. going tide underway met very choppy sea for 1.5 Km NE off Eilean Musdile. 1700 hrs all glad to find shelter in the passage and the camp site on bay at S. tip of Lismore. Very little wood available from the beaches but managed to split enough from the one substantial log found, so food and merriment round a fire for the evening.

Sun Aug 11th 2019. East side of Lismore to Port Appin via Eilean nan Caorach
Weather: NNW F2-3, LW 10:07, cloudy with showers later
0900 departed for run up E. side of island. Plenty of shelter from the island to the N wind. A fine and interesting shoreline with many limestone features
Stops at Port Kilcheran & Achnacroish, pondered the climb up to Tirefour Castle on cliff top but left for another trip.

Pushed on past top of the island for lunch on Eilean nan Caorach using the shelter of a lime kiln from the drizzle.

1600 returned to Port Appin. Total distance 40Km.
Creagan Hotel for coffee and scones.
Wildlife seen;
- 1 Eagle
- 4 otters
- Numerous seals