AGM Minutes

Helensburgh Canoe Club

AGM Monday 17th March 2014

John St. Scout Hall 7.30pm



1)     Apologies: Ken White

2)     Treasurers Report: Hugh (for Ken) presented the report. The meeting discussed the change in the “Training and Pool” from substantial surplus to deficit. Geoff explained that last year’s figures were probably inflated by late membership payments but numbers on courses were significantly down.  It was too early to tell if this was a one off. One idea for increasing training numbers and deal with the light use of the pool in the summer period was to be discussed.The meeting agreed with Ken’s general conclusion that there was no reason to worry yet.

3)     Chairman’s Report:  Geoff gave a short illustrated review of year’s activities which clearly demonstrated the number and range of activities. He concluded we were doing well.

4)     Coaching Report:  Grant explained the BCU/UKCC Award Scheme and the 2 Star assessment scheduled for April. He also discussed the monthly river trips, 3 Star assessments and a level 1 Coach course he was running next week. An FSRT course was also to be scheduled very shortly.

The Pinkston Development is now due to open officially May 7th. Grant was hoping to arrange for the club to get in for a “trial” run before then

A Parent/Child Training , operating over the summer holidays, had been suggested. The idea was to offer a chance for children 8-12 with a parent to start paddling. Mark C. had offered to take responsibility.  Emphasis would be on safety and paddling together in canoes (and kayaks?). An application would go to Sports Scotland for a grant for necessary equipment. Some doubts were expressed on whether we had the resources available. It was agreed that more discussion was required and firm plans identified.

5)     Election of Officers and Committee

a)     Chair: Geoff Riddington

b)     Secretary: Eleanor Phillips

c)      Treasurer: Ken White

d)     Chief Coach: Grant Dolier

e)     Quartermaster: Euan Forrest

f)      Convenor: Sea: Hugh Murray

g)     Convenor: Inland: Mark Cleminson

h)     Child Protection: Mark Cleminson

i)       Other Committee Members: Dave Norton, M.M

Grant would continue to lead river trips with Mark co-ordinating people and equipment in Helensburgh.

6)     Plans: Most members seemed happy with the present mix of day, weekend and week length trips. Grant re-iterated that there was a river trip next week.

7)     Affiliation to RNYC: The meeting agreed to take up the offer from the RNCYC for affiliate status (and container hire). This would give us in addition the tight to use changing facilities and social club membership for four named Members. Suggested names were Mark C., Euan with Geoff and Hugh if no other member of the club wanted to take up the offer.

8)     AOB: The photo competition was judged and Hugh won both categories.