- Membership steady at just under 50
- High Turnover: New members on Basic Skills Course, Many leave after 1 or 2 years
- Gender Distribution: Female 25% of members
- Age Distribution: Equally Spread ;18, 18-30, 30-55,>55
Training Courses Run: Basic Skills, Basic Skills for Youngsters, Sea Expedition, Foundation Safety and Rescue
Coaches: Significant increase in number and level of qualified coaches working with club
River and Whitewater: Limited ; dependent upon availability of limited number of people, Pinkston Trip very successful. To be expanded.
Loch and Sea: Extensive Programme (19 trips) for all ability levels with 38 Participants in total on one or more
- Club Healthy : Finances and Activities
- Pool Sessions: Provide focus.
- Need to do more to retain youngsters in club; Pinkston, Rivers, Polo, Club Co-operation=> Competition
- Need to refresh club officers and committee.
Geoff Riddington Chair 12/3/15
NB The full powerpoint presentation with trip photos can be obtained from