Treasurers Report 2014/15

                        HELENSBURGH CANOE CLUB


Income and Expenditure Account (Year Ending 28th February 2015)


                                                                              2012/13                2013/14                   2014/15

INCOME                                                                  £                            £                            £

Membership Fees                                                  850.00                1,340.00                 1,320.00

Profit on pool and coaching activities                  562.50                    (79.95)                   393.39

Bank Interest                                                            0.22                       0.24                        0.29

Equipment Rental                                                     0.00                     80.00                      60.00

Miscellaneous                                                       45.47                     50.00                      40.00

———-             ———-                  ———-

                                                                             1,458.19                 1,390.29                1,813.68


Scottish Canoe Association Affiliation                  50.00                      75.00                   115.00

Venue rentals for meetings                                     15.00                      20.00                     60.00

Equipment (fixed assets)                                      820.00                    679.00                       0.00

Equipment (consumables)                                      54.00                    267.99                   110.00

Miscellaneous                                                     0.00                        0.00                       0.00

RNCYC Associate Membership                                 –                               –                         200.00

Depreciation                                                           1,858.51                 1,425.97                1,425.97

———-               ———-                  ———-

                                                                                 2,797.51                 2,467.96                1,910.97


SURPLUS/DEFICIT FOR YEAR                            (1,279.32)              (1,077.67)                  (97.29)



Balance Sheet as at 28th February 2015.


                                       Notes                                   £                          £                             £           


Fixed Assets                      1                                5,351.25              4,604.28                 3,178.31


Current Assets

    Bank                                                                        4,271.85              4,178.81                 5,307.52

Creditors                                                                    0.00                     0.00                        0.00

    Stock                                                                     60.00                   40.00                        0.00

Current Liabilities                                                    

Debtors                                                               (600.00)              (494.66)                 (254.67)

Cash in advance                                                 (336.00)                    0.00                        0.00


Net Current Assets                                         3,395.85             3,724.15                 5,052.85


                                                                           £ 8,747.10           £8,328.43               £8,231.16

Represented by:


Capital Account:                                                 8,747.10             8,328.43                 8,231.16



                                                                     £ 8,747.10           £8,328.43               £8,231.16

Ken White


10th March 2105.





Notes to the Accounts as at 28th February 2015



  1. Fixed Assets and Depreciation*.


Asset                        Purchased     Cost         Depreciation Value 28/02/15  Total


Trailer                       07/06/10    1,991.99          332.00      1,328.00              663.99

3 Canoes                  07/06/10    2,073.63          345.60      1,382.40              691.23

3 Sea Kayaks           28/09/10    2,116.23          352.70      1,410.80              705.43

Trailer                       20/10/10    1,095.00          182.50         730.00              365.00

Sea Kayak P&H      29/06/12        600.00          100.00         300.00              300.00

Open Canoe (MR)   09/03/13       679.00          113.17         226.34              452.66


                                                       8,555.85        1,425.97     5,377.54           3,178.31


* Fixed Assets depreciated over 6 years.


AGM 12th March 2015


Treasurer’s Report for 2014/15


The Club’s finances are relatively stable.

Membership fee income is very similar to last year. The modest profit on pool and coaching activities reflects the fact that the pool is reasonably well used most Tuesdays.

On the expenditure side, there were no fixed asset purchases, and only limited spend on consumables. This is likely to change in the next financial year, as one or two sea kayaks may need replacing, along with a substantial amount of consumable equipment (e.g. spray decks, buoyancy aids, paddles etc). With over £5,000 in the bank, this should be manageable.

The £200 “RNCYC Associate Membership” payment is the annual charge for use of the storage container.

The Club isn’t generating sufficient reserves to replace the main kayak “fleets” that were purchased with Lottery grants. The committee’s current expectation is that further Lottery (or other) funding will be available when these boats need to be replaced.

Ken White


11th March 2015